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A Young Woman Lying On A Blue And Yellow Bed With A Heating Pad Over Her Abdomen.

Medicine or Myth? Endometriosis Misconceptions Busted

If you have endometriosis, you know it can significantly impact your social, emotional, and physical well-being. On top of this, there are various myths and misconceptions on the Internet, which can make it hard to discern what’s true. And while surfing The Web about the cause of your latest head cold isn’t isn’t necessarily problematic, listening to myths on the Internet about endometriosis can quickly hinder your understanding. 

The team at The Endometriosis Treatment Center of America is here to dispel any confusing ideas about endometriosis. It’s our hope that with this information, you can feel more equipped to discuss your treatment with others and feel more knowledgeable when seeking treatment. Keep reading to learn about the top five endometriosis myths and why they’re just myths! 

Myth 1: Endometriosis Causes Infertility

This is a very common misconception. Though endometriosis can cause difficulties in becoming pregnant, it does not cause infertility. Because endometriosis damages the fallopian tubes and ovaries, those planning to get pregnant and start a family can experience a more trying time in doing so. That being said, we recommend you speak with a specialist if you have endometriosis and are trying to get pregnant for more information about fertility. 

Myth 2: If You Get Pregnant, Your Endometriosis Will Be Cured

Unfortunately, there is no cure for endometriosis at this time. Pregnancy can ease your symptoms, but this may only be temporary. This slowdown of symptoms can result from changes in hormones, lack of period, or other factors involved in pregnancy. Once you’ve had the baby and your body has had time to adjust, you may experience ongoing relief of endometriosis systems, but it’s not guaranteed. If you suffer from endometriosis and are currently pregnant, please consult with an ETCOA professional to discuss potential systems you may or may not still experience.

Myth 3: Period Pain Is Normal

If you have severe period pain, you may think this is normal—but that’s far from the truth. It is expected for a majority of women to experience cramping, bloating, or muscle aches on days one and two of your period. Likewise, if you typically experience mild to moderate pain throughout your cycle, it should go away with over-the-counter medication. But, if you are experiencing severe pain impacting your daily life—this is not normal, and we recommend seeing a gynecologist for treatment.  

Myth 4: Endometriosis Only Affects You a Few Days a Month

Endometriosis is a lifelong condition that causes inflammation. Some women experience symptoms only during their menstrual cycle, while others experience pain almost every day. Beyond abdomen pain, those with endometriosis may also have pain in the back and legs. 

Additionally, studies have found that there is a strong link between stress, anxiety, and depression in women who have endometriosis. These conditions can impact sufferers anytime and anywhere, and we encourage you to seek help from a professional if you encounter any of these conditions. If you’re experiencing pain and other symptoms daily, seek medical care to find relief from daily discomfort. 

Myth 5: If You’re Struggling, You Have a Low Pain Threshold

If you have endometriosis, you may think you have a low pain threshold. Some people who have never experienced severe period pain may find it difficult to empathize with you and assume your discomfort isn’t bad. However, if you suffer from endometriosis, you aren’t experiencing pain because of a low pain threshold—your pain is very real. Don’t hesitate to seek treatment if you’re suffering from period pain or endometriosis. 

Find Relief at The Endometriosis Treatment Center of America

At the Endometriosis Treatment Center of America, we understand there are many misconceptions surrounding endometriosis. Contact our team if you have endometriosis or think you have endometriosis. With years of experience, we are dedicated to helping you find relief from your pain. Whether you’re in Michigan or halfway across the country, our team of experts is ready to help you. 

Are you suffering from endometriosis? Call ETCOA today!

For help managing your endometriosis pain, please contact us, whether you’re living in Michigan or visiting from out of state. With the team at the Endometriosis Treatment Center of America, you’re not alone! Call us today at (248) 397-9129, or contact us online to find the relief you deserve! 

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