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Find the Relief You Deserve: Botox Injections for Pelvic Pain

If you’re suffering from pelvic pain, it can quickly make daily life challenging. Persistent cramping, aches, and other pains can impact your social, physical, and mental state. However, you’re not alone! It’s estimated that every one in seven women in the United States suffers from chronic pelvic pain. If you’re one of these women and can’t seem to find relief—don’t give up! ETCOA offers numerous treatments designed to ease your pelvic pain. 

One of our renowned treatments for pelvic pain is Botox®. Yes, you heard that right. World-famous for its cosmetic enhancing powers, Botox can also be used to relax the pelvic muscles, which can reduce pain. In this blog, learn everything you need to know about Botox for pelvic pain and how it can be especially helpful for those suffering from endometriosis at ETOCA. 

What Is Pelvic Pain?

Pelvic pain, as the name suggests, is discomfort in the pelvic region and can arise from your digestive, urinary, or reproductive system. Pelvic pain can vary, occurring at all times or in short bursts, with a wide range in severity. For many women, pelvic pain can be debilitating. However, not all pelvic pain indicates a serious problem, and can simply be a result of overeating or bloating. If your pelvic pain is ongoing, severe, or causes you frequent discomfort, don’t hesitate to speak with your medical provider about your concerns. 

Common Conditions That Cause Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain can be just one piece of the symptom out of many that a woman experiences when suffering from a specific condition. Some common causes of pelvic pain in women include, but are not limited to:

  • Endometriosis
  • Adenomyosis
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Symptoms Associated with Pelvic Pain

While the symptoms associated with pelvic pain may seem obvious, they can present differently for every woman. Some symptoms associated with pelvic pain include:

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Menstrual pain
  • Painful intercourse
  • Bloating or gas
  • Painful urination
  • Constipation

No matter the symptoms associated with your pelvic pain, you deserve relief. At ETCOA, we can diagnose and help you manage your discomfort with numerous treatments like Botox®. 

What Is Botox?

You’ve probably heard of Botox before, but maybe never like this. Botox is traditionally used to eradicate fine lines and wrinkles on the forehead, eyebags, and smile lines. However, Botox’s powerful neurotoxin, Botulinum A, can temporarily relax the pelvic muscles causing painful muscle spasms. 

Recently approved to treat overactive bladder and urinary incontinence, this innovative treatment can provide relief for pelvic pain. Botox injections may be right for you if your pelvic pain doesn’t improve with traditional treatment, like over-the-counter medications or pelvic floor therapy. It’s important to note that Botox for pelvic pain isn’t FDA-approved currently, but research is ongoing. 

How Does Botox Help Pelvic Pain?

As mentioned, Botox can ease pelvic pain by temporarily paralyzing the muscles that cause painful spasms and sensations. Botox must be injected into the muscles causing extreme discomfort to be effective. Once injected, Botox can relax the hyperactive pelvic muscles, which causes pain from compressed muscles and nerves. 

Most women find the treatment tolerable since a local anesthetic is applied beforehand. You may experience soreness after injection, but it should subside within a few hours. In fact, many women resume normal activities after their Botox injection. Most women begin to feel relief around one to two weeks after the injection, with this relief lasting anywhere from a few months to a year.

Does Botox Help Those with Endometriosis?

If you have endometriosis and experience pelvic pain, Botox may be the answer you’ve been searching for. Botox for pelvic pain is most effective when pain is caused by pelvic floor spasms. Your provider can evaluate your symptoms and perform a pelvic exam to find the cause of your pelvic pain. We recommend meeting with an endometriosis specialist, like those at ETCOA, to discuss your symptoms, medical history, and failed treatments to decide if Botox is right for you. 

Find the Relief You Deserve with ETCOA

If you suffer from pelvic pain, we understand how challenging it can be to live your daily life—much less visit a doctor. That’s why we offer virtual consultations, so you can maximize your time while searching for healing. Or, if you can come into the office, we can evaluate and analyze your symptoms efficiently to find the source of your pain. If you’re experiencing chronic pelvic pain and want to learn more about our Botox treatments, don’t hesitate to contact our team today. 

Your Pelvic Pain Experts: ETCOA

Proudly serving Lake Orion & Birmingham, MI, and beyond, The Endometriosis Treatment Center of America is here for you. Whether you’re suffering from pelvic pain, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or another condition, our team of experts can help you find relief. Call us at (248) 397-9129 or contact us online today!

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