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If you have been treated for years like a drug addict and hypochondriac with many medical professionals brushing off your symptoms and you fear trying even one more doctor: please go see Dr. Zaidan and his assistant Nicole. When I first met Nicole I was terrified and obviously crying, she gave me the biggest hug and told me I was in good hands. She is always friendly and I am always happy to see her. Dr. Zaidan is my hero. I have suffered with extensive endometriosis since right around 2012. Over the past 8 years I had been worked up for cancer multiple times, had colonoscopies and endoscopies multiple times, was told I had “functional abdominal syndrome” and so much more. Through research of my own and my mom noticing I was having periods twice a month, I ended up learning about endometriosis. It affects 1 in 10 women. That is a HUGE number of women suffering. From the moment I met Dr. Zaidan (his physician video actually got my attention by saying “endometriosis doesn’t wait and neither should you”) I knew that I was in good hands. He has an amazing bedside manner, is respectful, funny, so knowledgable, and truly wants whats best for his patients- especially us endo warriors! Most OGBGYN clinics say they offer treatment for endometriosis but all they really do is push birth control instead of doing a Lap and figuring what is really going on inside of the body. You want answers, not medications to cover up serious underlying problems.Dr. Zaidan will get to the bottom of your symptoms. He will listen to you. He will help you. I live an hour away from his practice and even if I moved to Florida I would continue to see him as my provider. He has given me hope and peace of mind and now I am on track to getting my life back 🙂

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