Interstitial Cystitis and Endometriosis
There’s a lot in common between interstitial cystitis and endometriosis. Both are common causes of pelvic or abdominal pain – IC in about 5% of the population and endometriosis in about 10% of women. They are both commonly underdiagnosed, with studies showing most women with endo struggle for a true
diagnosis for almost a decade. It’s a common misconception that if pain worsens around your period, it must be endo. That’s certainly a possibility and something to look into, but many patients with IC who don’t have endometriosis notice
their symptoms fluctuate during their cycle.
We understand the concomitant presence of endometriosis and interstitial cystitis. We also embrace the theory that Inflammation from endometriosis disease can be associated with multiple other disease processes within the pelvis, including interstitial cystitis. The data supporting both disease processes is compelling, especially when it is compared to the incidence rate of interstitial cystitis in the general population. At the Endometriosis Treatment center of America, we recommend a full evaluation for interstitial cystitis so that we can evaluate our patients in advance for this condition and concomitantly treat the endometriosis disease as well as interstitial cystitis in order to restore a better quality of life.
If a patient exhibits any urinary symptoms and has the underlying symptomatology or previous diagnosis of endometriosis be completely evaluated for the presence of interstitial cystitis. Unfortunately, a missed diagnosis of interstitial cystitis can result in continued chronic pelvic pain despite adequate treatment of endometriosis.
This is reason for complete evaluation to treat chronic pelvic pain.
