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5 Important Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Endometriosis

When you’re diagnosed with endometriosis, you experience a lot of emotions. With those emotions comes a number of questions.

Fear is another common emotion accompanying an endometriosis diagnosis. You may have more questions, like what’s my prognosis? Why did I get endometriosis? How do I fix this? 

Although it’s naturally a stressful time, asking questions will help with your uneasiness, and being prepared with questions will help guide you through the initial stages of bewilderment after your endometriosis diagnosis.

Our Team at the Endometriosis Treatment Center of America would like to help alleviate some of those uncomfortable emotions and start you on your healing journey. We’ve put together a list of some questions you may want to ask when choosing an endometriosis specialist. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with additional questions.


Do you specialize in the treatment of endometriosis?

This is perhaps the most important question you can ask your practitioner. Endometriosis is a complex condition, one that demands a specialist’s attention. A doctor who specializes in endometriosis diagnosis and treatment specifically treats the disorder and its related conditions.


How experienced are you with treating endometriosis?

This question is critical to your peace of mind. Finding out how long your care provider has been treating endometriosis builds trust in the accuracy of your diagnosis and in the following treatment. Your faith in the skill and experience of your surgeon is paramount.

The Endometriosis Treatment Center of America has performed more robotic endometriosis surgeries than any surgeon in the United States. Our experience speaks volumes about our ability to diagnose and treat your endometriosis.


What is my treatment plan?

Following diagnosis, getting down to the nuts and bolts of your life provides a steady path forward. Discuss your treatment plan with your doctor, and be sure to leave the practice with a solid understanding of what comes next.


What are the benefits and risks of treatment?

You have choices when it comes to endometriosis treatment, and these depend on the severity of your disease and your potential prognosis following each course of treatment. An experienced treatment team will be able to guide you through the different treatment options and help you decide which course is best suited to you.


Why did I get endometriosis?

Number one–don’t blame yourself. The fact is that we don’t really know the cause of endometriosis yet. We know how it forms, but there’s no proven scientific evidence pointing to exactly why. There are, however, some indications that you might be more at risk for endometriosis:

  • You have a greater chance of developing endometriosis if you are 25 to 40 years old.
  • If you are a first-degree relative of someone with endometriosis, you have a seven-times higher chance of developing the disorder.
  • You are more likely to get endometriosis if you have not had children.
  • You are more likely to develop endometriosis if you have higher than normal levels of estrogen.
  • If you regularly have periods that last more than 7 days, you have a greater risk of endometriosis.

Receiving a diagnosis of endometriosis can be a confusing time. Being prepared to ask questions can help alleviate the confusion and stress that comes with an endometriosis diagnosis. It may be a good idea to write down your questions beforehand so that you come to the doctor’s office prepared. 


Get Answers to Your Questions About Endometriosis

Your team at the Endometriosis Treatment Center of America has answers about your endometriosis diagnosis and treatment options. We plan to have a frank discussion with you to help settle your fears and to help you feel confident that you’re on the right path.

Contact the Endometriosis Treatment Center of America in Birmingham or Lake Orion, MI

Do you have questions about your endometriosis diagnosis and treatment? We’re happy to help! Contact the Endometriosis Treatment Center of America to get the conversation started. We treat patients throughout the nation from our offices in Lake Orion and Birmingham, Michigan. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

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